Unparticular dialogue line for Jolt Jam 1 - Writing
William: The battery is broken, we can’t start the quadrocopter
Jeremy: And what we gonna do then?
William: Well, there is a pineapple tree over there. Try to run a circles around it and clap your hands every three rows
Jeremy: Ha-ha, great joke! But we need that battery tomorrow… Wait, did you just said a pineapple tree?
William: Yes
Jeremy: Pineapples do not grow on trees
William: Welcome to Ecuador, buddy!
Jeremy: I thought that we were in Glasgow!?
William: Well, that “flight simulator” game you played recently wasn’t actual game
Jeremy: Ha, what an unexpected discovery
William: And I told you that we don’t need to fly to Ecuador
Jeremy: Yeah, but I think it is still aftershocks from my amnesia after that motorcycle crash
William: It wasn’t a motorcycle, you fell from an electroscooter
Jeremy: Please don’t remind me about that, Julia thinks that I’m cool when I told her about motorcycle
William: What you gonna do when she asks you to show it to her?
Jeremy: I can say that I left it in repair shop in Glasgow… After all, looks like we got stucked here for a while
William: Sounds like a plan
Narrator: Some time after Julia arrived
Julia: I haven’t found any hardware store or at least stalls around here. That guy at gas station said that nearest store where we can get batteries for copter is 190 kilometers ahead by that road
William: It is like that anecdote: “I got two news, both are bad…”
Julia: If we had Jeremy’s motorcycle we can reach the town in no time
Jeremy: Yeah, I wish to take a ride on it after repair will be finished... Jeez, so glad that I wore a running shoes today
Julia: And I brought ice cream for all of us!
Jeremy: Folks, you are the best team I can ever wish, no joking
Julia: I also want a new photo for my line profile, can someone help me to take a photo under that pineapple tree?
Jeremy: I still can’t believe how we managed to end up in Ecuador
Status | Prototype |
Category | Book |
Author | fgf32 |
Tags | jolt-jam-1---writing |
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